DBX Fanon Wikia


Marvel VS DC! Which vigilante will survive?






Red Hood walks down the path of an alley, making sharp turns and cutting corners before entering a warehouse.

Red Hood: Where's black Mask? The former sidekick of Batman spoke, carrying his guns and continuing to walk. Suddenly, a swift kick was thrown to his gut. This was, The Daredevil.. Red Hood looked at him, and he was rushing towards Jason.

HERE WE GOO! Daredevil swung his nunchuckus at Red Hood, who rolled out the way, sweeping Daredevil. Red Hood tried stomping on his jaw but, Daredevil grabbed his leg, slamming him down onto the floor.

Daredevil now leaps into the air, proceeding to try and bash Todd's skull in, but Red Hood headbutts him off, in which Jason Todd grabbed his pistols and fired, hitting Daredevil's finger. Daredevil screamed, ignoring the pain, and dashing towards him with one nunchuck.

Daredevil: I'll end you! Daredevil swung wildly, trying to hit Red Hood but he kept dodging. Red Hood finally got serious, lunching and elbowing Daredevil multiple times, slamming him into the wall. Red Hood looked at the now slumping Daredevil. He walks away.

Suddenly, Red Hood turned at the sight of running.

JAB! JAB! WHACK!! Nothing was stopping Daredevil from attacking Red Hood.

Daredevil; Why won't he die...?

Daredevil put Todd into a choke hold.

Red Hood: I'm not that easy to get rid off..

Red Hood head-butted Daredevil, knocking his helmet off. There, Daredevil staggered as his right knee was shot. Daredevil staggered, being slammed to the ground by Red Hood.

Red Hood: Ba bye.. He fired twice into Daredevil's skull, blowing his brain to bits. Red Hood chuckled, fixing his broken helmet and running off into the night.

