DBX Fanon Wikia
Voldemort vs darth vader

Voldemort vs Darth Vader is a what if? DBX.


Who is mightier. The dark lord of magic or the dark lord of the science.


No rules

Just bloodshed



Voldemort follows some stormtroopers on the Death Star.

Voldemort: Avada Kedavra!

The stormtroopers fall down dead. Darth Vader walks over to Voldmort and turns on his lightsaber.

Darth Vader: Lord Voldemort!

Voldemort: Darth Vader you do not fear my name. But will after is... Arvada Kadavra!


Darth Vader blocked it. He then started to walk to Voldemort. Voldemort Avada Kedavras at him but Darth Vader blocks them.

Voldemort: Stop that!

Darth Vader: You are finding it hard to kill me Voldemort?

Darth Vader then force pushed him onto the ground. Voldemort then disarms him.

Voldemort: Avada Kedavra!

Darth Vader grabs it with the force and moves out of the way.

Voldemort: This can't be!

Voldemort's snack trys to attack Darth Vader grabs her with the force and ripps her head off.

Voldemort: No you'll pay from that... Avada Kedavra!

Darth Vader grabs the lightsaber and blocked it. He they force chok him killing him.


The winner is Darth Vader
